In its complexity, the automotive industry is probably the market with the widest range of applications. Visible parts for the interior, easy parts for power train, optical precision parts for the exterior, big parts like bumpers or cockpits and much more. Moreover, depending on the function of the parts, differentiated production solutions are required to meet the wide range of requirements, both on the product side and in upstream and downstream processing. Each product group has its own requirements regarding material homogeneity, surface quality, precision

Added to this is the diversity of applications through combinations of materials and processes (multi-component production, foaming, LSR, IML, IMD, etc.).

In view of this diversity of parts and production, T1-suppliers and their network are under increasing pressure. The quality requirements are enormous, product life cycles are becoming shorter and shorter and the price pressure is increasing.



New requirements in terms of environmental protection will further fuel the cost spiral. And the deadline pressure for the processor will increase as the cost pressure is passed on to production and logistics. Moreover, futurologists see the automotive industry facing far-reaching changes. Alternative drives and autonomous driving will shape future visions of automotive culture.

What is needed is maximum flexibility on the machine side, coupled with productivity, top quality and new concepts for extremely economical and ecologically advantageous solutions. The tougher the competition, the more flexible the production portfolio in plastics processing should be. “Technology to the point” is extremely important in the automotive industry. Probably more important than in any other industry.