A cerimónia de arranque do grande projeto de interesse geral do distrito de Beilun – Centro Cultural e Desportivo Haitian – que se situa na Changshan Community, Xiaogang Street, distrito de Beilun realizou-se na manhã de 2 de fevereiro de 2018. Todos os quadros médios...
Half-year record amount (converted into euros) of approximately € 650.2 million. +++ More than 18,000 machines delivered in the first half year +++ Consistent focus on electrics in small tonnages and two-platen technology in large tonnages +++ Two-platen Jupiter...
50 years of growth through entrepreneurial brilliance +++ Pioneering role in the injection molding industry +++ 10 years of Haitian International +++ 10 years of Mars Technology, the world’s bestselling injection molding machine technology Haitian International...
At the K 2016 Trade Fair, Haitian International will present highly efficient solutions for achieving the perfect balance between productivity and flexibility at best costs under its strategy of “Technology to the Point”. The total of four exhibits by Haitian...
Stable revenues at 3,860.9 million RMB +++ high level of adjusted profit attributable to shareholders of the Company with 8.6% growth to 712.8 million RMB +++ Gross profit margin improved consistently from 32.3% in 2015 to 34.1% in 2016 +++ net profit margin hit a...
Nos 23 pisos do edifício da sede do Haitian Group, a Haitian International apresenta-se com departamentos-chave funcionais, como vendas, pesquisa e desenvolvimento, departamentos administrativos, etc. Localiza-se ao lado da fábrica de Haitian Road para máquinas de moldagem por injeção de médias e grandes dimensões e não muito longe da fábrica de Tongtu Road e da fábrica de Jiangnan Road. Esta excelente localização permite uma comunicação extremamente eficiente entre os departamentos mais importantes.